

About Us

History About NtDOORs

NT Doors (previously known as Ngo & Tan Renovation Works) is an experienced door company that has been in operation since 1983.

NT Doors specialize in crafting beautiful and durable wooden doors for homes and businesses. Our doors are designed to add charm and security to your spaces. Choose from a variety of styles and sizes to suit your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Typically 1 - 2 weeks upon site measurement. Leadtime may be longer during peak season

12 months upon installation for doors. 6 months on accessories.

Use a mild cleaner for tough stains. Avoid using abrasive cleaning agents

50% Deposit upon site measurement. 50% Balance upon installation.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia there live the blind texts.